
Monday, June 21, 2010

overdued photo. Credit to Jimmy.

Dont know what to blog about. Baybeh is back in camp again ):
We thought about the time that when the both of us are just friends. Really, all thanks to gracey and kenneth (: Here we are, tgt with love(:
Had a lil disagreement with baybeh earlier on and cleared before he went back. Hearts him lots, because he always think that as long as Im happy, he will be too.
Seriously, I've nvr been so in love with someone so much and blinded by everything, having telepathy and heart link to each other. He exactly know what i wanna do or say, like how i know what he gonna do and say. thought about the same thing at the same time(: But im always the one say it first(: nanayaya~~ Well at times he would say it first too. Baybeh, I just wanna say " Thank You" thanks for being so nice to me, and always stand in my shoes, understand how i feel and want to make me happy and comfortable with life being with you.

Love over Bread(:

Imporatance and understanding

That's all i ask for. hearts(:

After much things happen recently, I've finally realise that life is really precious and fragile. Know your love and important ones and cherish them as much as you could, do whatever you can to make them feel tt they are being loved. If you dont do it now, you will regret if there's anything happen. I've learnt.

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